Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10 – Day 10

It has been 10 days into the program here in New Brunswick, and we Shads are truly a family. Despite the exhausting, active daily schedule – the time is going by undeniably fast.

We have gotten into a rhythm here at UNB. We choose between morning workouts at the first-class sports facility, or the more satisfying option, sleep. After running to breakfast today, we played Ultimate Frisbee. It was the ultimate test against sleep deprivation.

Yesterday, we began the robotics task. We were put into groups and given instructions on building a robot. We were warned about precision, as the slightest error could make our robot do some funky dance moves. Today, we added breadboard circuits. On Friday, our robots will compete in following a path and shooting a dart gun. This stuff is ridiculously cool.

After some filling enchiladas, we toured a geology museum and learned about dinosaurs. Apparently, T-rex had feathers.

Admittedly, our Shad evening singing night was the highlight of the day. We listened to our tremendously talented friends – in awe of all the acts. Through the performances, theatrically and culturally, we are getting ever closer as a family.

You can check out our UNB Shad blog here: shadunb2012.edublogs.org

The Program Assistant wants me to go to bed, good night!

Kush Thaker, Shad Valley UNB 2012