Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16 – Day 16

Today at Shad Valley Laval we had a catapult building competition. We were provided with one sheet of foam board, two small pieces of wood, four elastics, a few hot glue sticks and three hours to design and build our catapults. There were many designs varying from some sort of obelisk to a ballista.

When we started testing the catapults most were able to send a penny about four to five meters. However, one of them not only hit the opposite wall, 15 meters away, but also the seven meter ceiling! Congrats Knights of the Round Table! Needless to say, this catapult won the competition hands down. Tomorrow the group is planning on testing its catapult outside to see its full potential.

For the Shads at Laval their presentation on their group project concerning obesity is due tomorrow. For this reason, many of them have been putting in extra time in order to be prepared. My group, for example, only got to bed around 1:30 am but also decided to get up at 6:00 am in order to get an extra two hours of work in. Many groups, along with mine, hope to be able to catch up on their sleep once the presentation has past. Then again, as we know, there is no time for sleep at Shad Valley! Only 11 more days to go and everyone at Shad Valley Laval plans to make the most of it.

P.S. To all future Shads: you have been warned of Shad Valley’s sleep deprivation!

André Marchildon, Shad Valley Laval 2012