Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7 – Day 7

“We must be swift as a coursing river…with all the force of a great typhoon…with all the strength of a raging fire…mysterious as the dark side of the MOOOOOON”.

This was the perfect set of lyrics to describe our Shadittude; it was also the chorus of our battle cries during our first, last and only movie night. At Shad Dalhousie, we closed off a blissfully tiring day of hiking with a relaxing movie.

Unbeknownst to the Shads, the admin schemed to make our first week even more exciting by giving us a false schedule. Contrary to our expectations of linear algebra and insect neurophysiology, we actually drove an hour and thirty minutes to Cape Split and hiked for over three hours! Amazingly, we all survived the ordeal and emerged from the wild sticky and muddy. Nevertheless, the views at the top of the trail were incredible with a panoramic view of the bay.

Hopefully Shad Valley will continue to surprise us and push us to our limits.

Matthew Yau, Shad Valley Dalhousie 2012