Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9 – Day 9

“Beep, beep, beep!” The dreaded sound of my alarm clock filled my ears. At Shad Valley, every hour of sleep is precious and not something that you can let go to waste. Every day is literally jam packed with a plethora of fun and rewarding activities that are nonetheless tiring. Despite the cumulative effect of these draining activities and my hate for early mornings, I managed to drag myself out of bed with the anticipation of all the exciting activities that lay ahead.

We are kept very busy and a quick glance at the schedule revealed boxes upon boxes labeled “activity” or “lecture”. But as we tried to see if the ink would give anything away about the nature of these activities, the generic words only seemed to pop up and mock us. However, it is those pleasant surprises that make a typical day at Shad Valley that much more exciting.

After starting off the day with an energizing and delicious breakfast, we headed off to a pair of lectures. One was on number sets and the other on archeology. In the latter, we were privileged with amazing pictures of excavation sites and discovered how much archeology has revealed about our history. After lunch, we had time to work on our house project after which we were rewarded with extra recreational time coupled with a trip to the local park. A variety of activities such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, Frisbee and croquet were made available to us. To make things better, that was topped off with a mouth-watering barbeque upon our return to the campus.

We had idea vetting today for our house project and so we had more time to work on our house project before the big moment. When the time came, we gathered around a panel of senior staff and shared our ideas. They really challenged us to push ourselves in creating an innovative and practical product that could stand on its own in the competitive market.

It is hard to believe that it was only one week ago from today that we first woke up to the crisp Newfoundland air and began our journey of crafting lifelong friendships and memories. In this one week, we've come a long way in that journey and we’ll continue to grow in the weeks to come. With the conclusion of another amazing day at Memorial University of Newfoundland, I am happy to say that I had an awesome MUNday!!!

Jeremy Wong, Shad Valley Memorial 2012