Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2 – Day 2

The first official full day of the Shad Valley program was quite an experience. All day it was hectic with Shads running all over our residence, Howe Hall, trying to get to where they should be. People are still learning names and memorizing faces. Nevertheless, the lectures are tons of fun, the food is good, the staff is amazing and the participants are incredible.

For many of us, July 1st was the first night sleeping in the rooms we’ll be calling ours for the next month. The weather in Halifax surprised most of us, since we weren’t expecting such humid conditions. Even so, it’s pleasant to walk in this beautiful city with gorgeous houses and friendly citizens.

The night ended with us being split into our houses. We came up with team names, norms and mission statements. My group fussed over every word that was written down but at least I can safely say we’re all quite pleased with the final result. My group bonded as we talked about our passions and our expectations concerning Shad Valley. We all agreed that we hope to make new friends. I don’t doubt that we’ll end up forming ever-lasting friendships with exceptionally talented people.

Kathleen Woo, Shad Valley Dalhousie 2012