Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25 – Day 25

Wow! I can't believe today was the penultimate day at Shad Valley (and one of the last days together before our parents arrive)! Time has sped by, and it feels as though I've only just arrived.

Today started off as usual - breakfast. Today's was more enjoyable than yesterday's because everyone had finished stressing out about our projects.

Pod groups then “debriefed”. Mine started with a birthday hug for our Program Assistant James!!!! We then sat to discuss our feelings and what we'd learned. I'm so proud of us for our group dynamics, and for working hard on an extremely difficult task (and winning Best Prototype)! Neil suggested we each take a turn addressing each other member. This discussion was so heartfelt, and our group dynamics are something I will always treasure - I was really lucky to be grouped with my pod. I love them to Mars and back!

Next it was lunch, some presentations, rec, dinner, choir practice and preparation of display boards for Open Day.

As crazy as Shad Valley has been, I've loved it and all of my new friends - but I'm actively looking forward to eating some real food. :)

Jessie Hallett, Shad Valley McMaster 2012