Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 26 – Day 26

I am writing this as everyone is sleeping, signing, hugging, crying and reminiscing. Let’s start at the beginning of the day. 7am: BZZZ! Alarm bells ring as a rush of adrenaline runs through my body. This is the last day! No, I’m serious! This is the last day! The last day of Shad Valley UNB 2012.

The morning prep, packing, as well as open day, passed in a blur. And then it was upon us: the Banquet. This one was extra special, as (first of all) the chicken was excellent. However, what made it extra special was our honouring Trevor Nason, an enthusiastic, dedicated mentor who died in a motorcycle accident after his Shad Valley Program Assistant job. The ceremony spread an air of realization over us; the fragility of life cannot be underestimated.

Undoubtedly the best show of the month came in the evening’s Variety Show, as dancers, jugglers, singers and puppeteers all graced the stage. Past midnight, we were all taken to a grassy clearing where the induction to the Shad Valley Alumni Society was conducted. Wise words were passed in addition to a fascinating drinking water/candle lighting ceremony. Absolutely the deepest moment of the month; expressions of sympathy, enlightenment and regret were shared.

This brings us to the end of the beginning of the absolutely wonderful program known as Shad Valley 2012. I would like to borrow this quote from my friend Evan: “Don’t be sad that it’s over; be happy that it happened.”

To all the 2012 Shads: hardships and challenges surely will come across our days. It is the way that we overcome them that sets us apart. There comes a time in the life of every generation when it is necessary to put together our hope and efforts to achieve greatness. Our journey has just begun.

See you soon at greatness!

Chris Zhu, Shad Valley UNB 2012