Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12 – Day 12

Can everybody say Jazz hands?

Today, the Shads at Dalhousie University had a blast! The day started off with an intriguing lecture on “Wicked Problems”. Following this very informative talk, we all enjoyed a game of soccer baseball. Then, for the most exciting part, all 50 Shads and the leaders walked down to the Halifax Harbor to enjoy a few relaxing hours of the Halifax Jazz Festival. Many of us sat along the board walk watching the beautiful yachts passing by, or lying on a grassy hill, while others enjoyed passing a Frisbee to one another. Overall, it was one well-deserved and beautiful, relaxing afternoon!

After supper, we finished off the night with an assembly where we found out our well-awaited surprise for the weekend! We are all very excited! Following this, all five houses discussed and presented their project ideas to each other. The final event of the night was committee time, where we all frantically worked together to make progress on our planned events coming in the near future.

The night ended with a cake for a snack. And we are all now packing for a gratifying weekend.

Kristen Giffen, Shad Valley Dalhousie 2012