Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24 – Day 24

As the end of our month-long journey draws near, the Shads seem to be under more stress than ever, rather than enjoying their last days together. In preparation for the house projects, committee projects and variety show, eating and sleeping has become secondary for most, if it hasn’t already.

We were given the whole morning to work on these tasks, which held large amounts of value among the procrastinators (of which there were many). After a productive three hours of working, fueled by leftover Caf food and intermittent napping, we participated in the Shad Olympics.

Competing in a series of relay races, including the wheelbarrow, egg-and-spoon and sponge races, we racked up points for our respective Rec teams and worked up a big appetite for the President’s event later that night.

After an amazing dinner and brief walk around the Rose Garden, the Shads walked back to Totem Park Residence. Navigating through the chaos and stress, the Shads slept (relatively) early in preparation for their big event tomorrow – the Entrepreneurship Cup!

Jeremy Gungabeesoon, Shad Valley UBC 2012