Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 3 – Day 3

7:00 AM: the beginning of the day. It started with morning recreation (Morn Rec as known by the Shads) and consisted of a waterfront jog through Kingston.

Personal goal: participate in all morning activities, no matter how early they are.

Following this, we ate our breakfast and headed off to Chernoff Hall to listen to two lectures on Group and Team Dynamics, as well as Materials Engineering. After this we got a little more exercise and fun with Group Rec. Today it was capture the flag: field edition. Group Rec is one of those times where you realize that Shad Valley is not all about engineering or business, instead it explores all aspects of life.

The rest of the day was structured the same as our previous day. We continued working on a design project to make a popsicle stick model of a hotel, and a business plan to sell it. We went back over to Chernoff Hall (where we were pleased to see the air conditioning had come on) and presented our projects, which went really quite well considering the time constraints we were under.

The day was finished off with a house meeting, and here I am, excitedly awaiting tomorrow. Was today really only day 3?

Kate Johnson, Shad Valley Queen’s 2012