Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23 – Day 23

As the days are looming closer to the end of Shad Valley, activities at Lakehead are becoming more and more chaotic.

Today, after an overnight experience completing the business plan for their Entrepreneurship Cup projects, the Shads at Lakehead were rewarded with no activities until 1:55 p.m. in order to accommodate the little or lack of sleep amongst all the Shads hastily trying to finish their lengthy business plans to be presented to the judges.

With fatigued faces and exhausted bodies, we were told by our schedules that we were going on a field trip to “Cosmo Pops”, however, no Program Assistants or the Program Director were willing to explain what this field trip was about. All the Shads were having numerous discussions and predictions about where the destination of this field trip was, with rumours from an ice cream factory tour to shopping at a mall. When we got on our busses and arrived to the movie theatre, we found out that we were going to see The Dark Knight Rises!

When the movie was over and everyone had become reawakened, we headed back to the campus for dinner and were informed by Sultan Siddiqui, our Program Director, on how to properly create and present our Cup presentation in front of the judges tomorrow. After that, we had time to work on our presentations and project-display boards.

The last three weeks at Shad Valley have flown by in unforgettable memories and we are all currently in a state of sadness, which we know will become even greater as Shad Valley draws to a close in the next few days. However, we know that we will all keep in touch and will together endeavour to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Munaza Saleem, Shad Valley Lakehead 2012