Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11 – Day 11

This past week at Queen’s has been absolutely amazing! I’ve experienced just about everything – fencing, yoga, speedball, Ultimate Frisbee, camping, and of course, lectures and workshops. Every activity, be it academic or recreational, brought with it a dose of pure awesomeness.

I got major muscle cramps from yoga (who knew there were so many awkward and painful positions for the body to bend into?), ugly purple bruises from speedball (I do not recommend standing in the way of a fast moving ball), and painful sunburns from camping (what does the sun have against me?). But despite all of those minor setbacks, I am completely and irrevocably in love with every last one of those incredible activities.

On the academic front, I have learned so much about entrepreneurship, engineering, international development and biology. Of course, I have also discovered a lot about obesity, a topic over which most of us are probably driving ourselves insane (I swear, I’ve lost so much hair because of this), searching for a solution.

Of course, every day there is always something new and exciting (and sometimes a little bit scary) at Shad Valley. Here at Queen’s, we Shads are confronted with the great unknown in the form of the Great Canadian Cornflake Challenge, an event that our staff absolutely refused to tell us about. Well, whatever it is, I know it will definitely be fun and entertaining, but here’s to hoping that it doesn’t involve stuffing as much of the cornflakes down our throats as possible! Cheers.

Judy Deng, Shad Valley Queen’s 2012