Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5 – Day 5

After breakfast, the day started off with a workshop about entrepreneurship and BlueZones (areas in the world with the largest population of people over age 100). In groups, we designed products or services consistent with the results of the BlueZone research that would theoretically help people live longer.

Right before lunch, we were told that in less than 19 hours, we would be departing on a two-day camping trip. Everyone was super surprised, to say the least, but mostly excited to be sleeping in tents over the weekend.

We had another lecture after lunch (did I mention that every meal at UBC is an all-you-can-eat buffet?), this time about computer science, and afterwards, we played a game called assassins. It was more funny than fun, because everyone was running around in the woods and hiding in trees, dumpsters, etc., (paranoid that their friends were out to tag them).

After dinner and three hours of Shadspeak, it’s finally bedtime. Normally I’d stay up (not a good idea; I wouldn’t recommend it!) but I should probably pack for the camping trip instead. Hopefully the camping trip will be as fun as it sounds!

Caroline Li, Shad Valley UBC 2012