Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12 – Day 12

Today's schedule at Shad Valley Waterloo was hectic – as always.
The day's first lecture was delivered by our Program Director, Ed Jernigan, who helped us use our previous mathematical knowledge in real-world applications, such as echo cancellation and image unblurring. This was followed immediately by a workshop in small groups. Along with seven other Waterloo Shads, I received a problem-based lesson from a professor at the Center for Education in Mathematics on algorithms, again learning new ways to use my existing math and computer science skills.

After a short break for lunch, one of our Program Assistants talked about his experience serving in and leading Waterloo's Campus Response Team (CRT), and how his challenges with the CRT related to the design concepts in our design project. We rounded off our day with a visit to the observatory on campus. A graduate student gave us an enlightening talk on the cosmos, and the Shads were each given the opportunity to view Mars and Saturn through a telescope.

After a long day, sleep is but an afterthought. All that's on my mind is: only 15 more such amazing days.

Simon Huang, Shad Valley Waterloo 2012