Friday, July 13, 2012

July 13 – Day 13


Today marked the day of Shad Valley UNB's robotics competition. For two hours each day this week, we've been preparing to race each other's robots through various tracks. Between races, we had to run up several flights of stairs, reprogram, and run back down to the tracks. I've never seen teenagers yell so loudly at a hunk of metal. After several hours, the team "Sparky" clinched the championship title.

After the competition, we split up into two groups. My group headed to a physics lab, where we had a lecture from a Cambridge graduate who had tons of Katy Perry songs on his iPod. We learned about the properties of light through various experiments.

We were then graced with the presence of the president of Shad Valley himself, Barry Bisson! After an interesting lecture, we headed back to residence to listen to various Shads play piano. It's always astounding to see how much talent all the UNB Shads have. What a wonderful way to end another UNB day!

Peace out.

Michael Zhu, Shad Valley UNB 2012