Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17 – Day 17

Sometimes it seems incredible that we are well past halfway into Shad Valley. Minutes just seem to fly as we struggle through Shad Valley Entrepreneurship Cup Projects, long trips and questionable amounts of potatoes in our meals. The fantastic experiences with the Shads here conflict with my ridiculous lack of sleep, yet somehow combine to make up one of the most memorable experiences I’ve ever had.

We started the day by visiting the Bombardier Plant nearby. Splitting up into groups, we were given not only an in-depth tour of the location and its production process, but also informative talks about the company itself. Some of the most interesting things we saw included the Toronto Rockets and BiLevel Go Trains being built. We even got a sneak peak at a Toronto street-car that will be released soon! However, my personal favourite part about the trip was when we were given huge bottles of Five Alive fruit juice and as many muffins as we could eat.

Following the trip, we had some free time, which I spent flirting with as many girls as would communicate with me (sadly just the one girl sitting next to me on the bus) but unfortunately I was lectured to about the “no exclusive relationships” policy at Shad Valley and thus promptly dropped all such attempts like a good boy.

The next few parts of the day were spent in various lectures. Some amazing people talked to us, and a coroner’s presentation about forensics was especially interesting. Though there were gruesome pictures, the slideshow felt like an interactive mystery novel and I loved every moment of it.

The remainder of the day we spent working on our Entrepreneurship Cup Project... So that's top secret! No more questions. :P

Are you enjoying Shad Valley as much as I am, guys? I hope so!

Jerry Liu, Shad Valley Lakehead 2012