Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5 – Day 5

The day began with me barely making the first lecture because of an alarm clock malfunction. Professor Adrian Chan gave a lecture that involved solving various logic and math problems and the wisdom they provided.

We now heard three Shadspeaks! Mallory gave a speech about her home town; Monisha started for us a bucket list; Sarah offered a highly logical polemic against Photoshopping models. This was followed by a game of soccer with the entire group.

During lunch time, we couldn’t enter our rooms because of a gas leak: we stayed in the cafeteria until the next speaker. Cognitive scientist Jim Davies talked about implementing imagination into artificial intelligences, giving us another excellent talk.

Another round of Shadspeaks, another lecture, another round of Shadspeaks! Randy provided an inspiring talk about happiness. Xiongyi compared Einstein’s gravity with Newton’s. Professor Brian Burns taught us good design. Leslie, a staff member, taught us how to speak, and Leila, another Shad, told us about the appeal of dystopian scenarios.

After dinner, we packed for our camping trip, had a few meetings – committee and house – until it was time for our first late night! To end the day, hot pink house organized a game night!

Dhruv Mayank, Shad Valley Carleton 2012