Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 14 – Day 14

It might just be me, but I feel that the time in Shad Valley is passing at an increasing speed. The first week, when everyone just met, was long and unfamiliar. However, as the second week started, we all lost track of time. It feels as if the 48 of us are in our own community and unaware of the time in the outside world. Each of us has formed such close bonds with one another that it is hard to believe tomorrow is already our third Sunday.

One of the activities we did today that I found most inspirational is a business activity. The 48 of us are placed into four groups in which we are to form four different markets and try to make the most money possible. My group eventually realized afterwards that, this is not a game of beating everyone down, but a game of trust. Only if we trust each other do all of us gain benefits. We also talked about the different sets of values we have. Each value is neither right nor wrong, yet all of us simply assume everyone around us is guilty until they are proven innocent. I simply cannot agree more with that.

Due to the kindness of our program directors, we are getting an extra half an hour of sleep tonight. At Shad Valley, every minute of sleep is precious because every day is just so overwhelmingly packed with exciting activities. It is essential to get enough sleep so we can all have enough energy to be ready for another day of adventure!

Jessica Wu, Shad Valley McMaster 2012