Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10 – Day 10

At Laval this week, we headed to La Vallée de la Rivière Malbaie to spend the night camping. We left on Monday after lunch and drove three hours to our camp site. Once arrived, we divided into groups to unpack, set up camp and make supper. All the tents were big enough to fit 10 people but some were missing some parts which made us very thankful it didn’t rain during the night! After eating a delicious meal of chilli and tortillas we had a Shad Valley campfire ceremony. We all huddled around the campfire in silence and thought about what Shad Valley meant to us and why we were there.

When applying to Shad Valley, it may have been because of pride, to be among the best of the best or because your parents wanted you to go. However, nine days into the program, everyone’s perceptions changed. At Shad Valley, you might make new friends, you might break down and put yourself back together differently, or more importantly, you might find yourself. Personally, I am very inspired by my fellow Shads and leaders. The night sky was decorated by bright stars... almost as bright as the friends surrounding us.

Today we hiked out of the valley to see the amazing view from the plateau. The hike up was difficult in the hot sun but was a lot of fun as we shared songs and stories with our newly made friends. Although some people had difficulties and struggled their way up to the top, we all helped each other and persevered. When we finally did make it to the top, we all felt that it was well worth it. We had a beautiful view in every direction; higher peaks behind us and the valley below us, lush green forest surrounding us. The wind was strong and chilled us but we crowded together to keep each other warm. The hike down seemed to pass much faster but was still filled with happiness and laughter! I wish Shad Valley could last forever!

Now back at campus, we are going to have a well-deserved pizza and movie night after an awesome camping trip! Back to daily life tomorrow!

Adrienne Hynes, Shad Valley Laval 2012