Friday, July 27, 2012

July 27 – Day 27

I woke up from a short nap after a long night filled with dance parties and frantic month book signing. Feeling groggy from lack of sleep, it didn’t seem at all real that the magical month was nearing to an end. Reality only hit when I wandered down to the cafeteria to see the Shads cherishing their last moments together with hugs and tears.

I became painfully aware of the possibility that I may never see some of these people again and that the magic of Shad Valley had come to an end, only to be relived as a memory. Tears started to stream down my face as I tried to imagine days devoid of Program Director Ed Jernigan’s sophisticated math lectures, Grebel’s generous cookies, late-night dance parties, intense foosball matches, trips to the student life centre and precious conversations with my roomie. I had taken the community for granted and only when it was time to leave was I truly able to gauge the value of the friendships and bonds.

I’m privileged to have met my fellow Shads and staff, and I believe that one day we will see each other again. Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Sally Choi, Shad Valley Waterloo 2012