Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16 – Day 16

Hear ye hear ye!

The night is about to end, marking the finale of another tiring but fantabulous day. When the day began, the family of sixty was divided into four groups and two went rock climbing. Even though I was one of the thirty to stay back and have extra time to work on our Creative Team (CT) projects, all of the Shads who went today described the experience as “challenging but so much fun.” Today was also when all of the CT projects came to life. In the morning, my group and I went to see a technician at the faculty shop (big shout out to Brian Guidry!) to have our project looked at and critiqued. Throughout the day, many of the CT groups managed to either go do market research out of campus or begin shopping for materials.

After lunch (which was amazing as usual), the Shads, who walked the famous “Shad pace”, were divided into two groups to attend labs. I, along with twenty-nine others, headed to Head Hall, the engineering building, to geo-cache and we used hand-held GPS devices to find fifteen waypoints all across the campus. The other group of Shads was introduced to prosthetics in the biomedical building. They learned how prosthetics function in an engaging lecture.

After the lectures, it was Shad time (aka relaxation time)! For the first time since we arrived at UNB, it rained on campus! Even more magically, we were so tired that many fell asleep in the “Pit”, also known as the basement. See picture! We bonded so much in two weeks.

After supper, we all headed to Tilley Hall, where most of our lectures are held. Today’s speaker was David Foord, who taught us about Intellectual Property Basics. His kind reminders to thoroughly consider patents, copyrights, trade-marks and trade-secrets are very much appreciated. Last but not least, the evening finished off with Strings Night. Our fellow Shads Jake Runeckles and Wyatt MacNevin stretched themselves and stepped up to perform impressive guitar pieces, kudos to them!

We have all grown so much in the past few weeks and we wait eagerly for what’s yet to come.

Yi Wang, Shad Valley UNB 2012