Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22 – Day 22

At Shad Valley Laval, Sunday is the sleep-in day. On sleep-in days, Shads are allowed to get up later than the usual wakeup time of 7:30 a.m. Because I had a disturbingly little amount of sleep during the previous week, I overslept this morning. Breakfast is generally placed outside our dorms in the common hallway in baskets of fruits, croissants, or granola bars. Unfortunately, by the time I got to the hallway, all the food had been taken. On the bright side, however, I heard the food was not that good.

Today is the last day before the Shads at Laval present their final project to a panel of judges, all of whom have never seen our previous presentations before. We had the entire day to work and perfect our project. Some groups were done and were well into the stages of rehearsal while others, like mine, were hoping for a miracle to happen. To help us prepare for the apocalypse (tomorrow’s presentations), the Program Assistants offered mock presentations where they could give us feedback on our work up to date. I will now be leaving for the rehearsal. Wish us luck!

P.S. I hate French keyboards...

Zhiheng Zeng, Shad Valley Laval 2012