Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22 – Day 22

Though the days here at Shad Valley have been long, I will be the first to admit they have never been quite as long as today. As our curfew was extended, for most, the day began at 12:00 and still has not ended. Across Canada, screams of frustration, shortly followed by cheering could be heard, as our abilities to be innovative, while managing time, were put to the test.

While everyone was told that they had to be in bed by 1:00, determination forced many to work through the entire night. Stress levels rose in the morning, as printers ran out of ink and bodies became too tired to stay awake… Today, I finally understood what former Shads meant when they said, “Week three will be the most stressful week of your life.”

Though I have never felt more exhausted in my life, I have never felt so proud either. The happiness I felt this morning at 10:00 as my Creative Team group passed in our final business plan and prototype was unlike anything I have ever felt before. It was an incredible moment when eight students felt as though they were one, as though they were a family.

Maike van Niekerk, Shad Valley UNB 2012