Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25 – Day 25

Today was a great day for Shad Valley Carleton. To begin, after the usual quotidian Shad News and Shad Blogging committee updates, we had an inspiring lecture from a familiar face: Al Pilcher. In this talk he focused on the determination and the perception of life by providing the example of a father who took his disabled son on many sports ventures. It certainly was eye-opening and poignant when we saw the perseverance and dedication of the father.

Next we proceeded to committee time where we worked in our respective committees: being in the blogging committee, we spend the hour and a half covering all the Shad Speaks that were done in the past weeks and finished just barely.

Afterward, we went to the Architecture Pit for some relaxing yoga. For some of us it wasn't as relaxing since our bodies weren't nearly flexible enough to do some of the poses. We could all agree, however, that the corpse pose (lying down on the ground) was the most relaxing since it provided us with the opportunity to catch up on lost sleep.

We had a setup for Open Day after lunch where we began to prepare for the arrival of parents, lecturers, etc. to view the Shad Valley Carleton work. The theme this year was deemed "Journey through the Shad Body" where different rooms of Prescott were assigned different body parts. For example, I am currently sitting in the study lounge, which is the eyes of Shad Valley Carleton. My group worked on a Rube Goldberg machine, and quite frankly, it is much harder than it looks.

So we then listened to a lecture by Sam Dube and Dr. Kate Oakley, which was a great lecture closing. Talking about goal setting and speaking on motivation, Sam certainly has inspired us with his talks. Kate talked about her artwork, which was beautiful, full of meaning, and simply amazing.

We then had to clean up our rooms, which was a difficult task to do, not only because they were so messy, but because none of us wanted to leave. But the rooms ended up tidy, and after some House time, where Yellow House shared some honest and true feelings, we went to the Architecture Pit for a Late Night hosted by Blue House. It was in the theme of a campfire and we watched slide-shows of our memories here at Shad Valley.

Needless to say, today was both the saddest day of Shad Valley so far, and the happiest. Let's make the best out of tomorrow Shad Valley Carleton.

Andy Xia, Shad Valley Carleton 2012