Friday, July 13, 2012

July 13 – Day 13

At the Restaurant at the Beginning of the Universe…

Friday the 13th. Even though I am not paraskevidekatriaphobic (I’ll admit, I Googled that), it seemed to bode well for Shad Valley. Coincidentally, we also had a Shad Speak on superstitions. Shad Speaks are kind of like TedxShad, where we choose to speak about anything that interests us.

Part of the Shad Valley program is the lectures about nearly any topic. Today we heard about radiopharmaceutical drug development, mobile phones and the Otesha project. While the topics of all the lectures are undoubtedly fascinating, the interesting thing is that everyone can take something from the lectures because they are designed not for students studying in the field but for an audience that craves to learn and have new experiences.

Shad Valley really exposes you to many more fields, ideas and people in an extremely interactive, engaging manner. It is not very often that youth get the opportunity to speak to the major leaders of various fields and at Shad Valley we get this chance every day.

The time at Shad Valley is valuable. Every minute is structured, with time allotted for exercise, entertainment (casino night!) and even sleep. As a result of this, so much is accomplished in a single month and if the Shad Valley “lifestyle” and environment were extended beyond this month, who knows where we would go.

Stella Lau, Shad Valley Carleton 2012